Geek In The Ghetto

May 28, 2008

Sienna Miller as The Baroness [GI Joe]

Filed under: Uncategorized — funkdigital @ 5:03 pm
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The Baroness

I was never a big GI Joe fan growing up. As a matter of fact, I dug the PSAs more than I was into the show. Regardless, there’s a big budget GI Joe flick coming sometime next year and there are all kind of uninspiring actors that have signed up to play the various roles. Sienna Miller is one of those actors.

Dailymall has pics of Miller as The Baroness right here. Supposedly, she died her hair for the role. That’s range!

May 5, 2008

Sci-fi Can Save Your Life [io9]

Filed under: Uncategorized — funkdigital @ 11:13 am
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Over at io9, which happens to be one of my favorite blogs, there’s a post on those sappy PSAs that  followed some of our favorite 80s cartoons. You remember. Knowing is half the battle, from GI Joe. The finger waiving shorts were also prominently featured  on Thundercats and Transformers, to name a few.

Personally these tidbits were nothing more than common sense. I guess for some of us latch key kids it was better than nothing. Besides, I often got nuggets like these from family members anyway. I didn’t necessarily need Panthro and Lion-O telling me to stay away from Newports (though Cheetara could tell me to stab my little brothers with a butter knife and I’d listen 😉 )

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